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Illuminations 2
Illuminations 2, my new color work accessory club is finally here! This club is a redux of my popular Illuminations color work sock club....

resolutions, goals, intentions
Here it is 2018 already, and time for new year resolutions. I have never had much success with resolutions of the type that promise I...

Another pretty sock pattern
The next installment of The Armchair Travelers club is out and it's a pretty sock called Aqueduct. The inspiration for this is, natch,...

Big Sister, Little Sister
I am lucky enough to have a little sister. When we were kids my little sister often came into my room wanting to hang out with me, but,...

The third installment of the Armchair Travelers Club knitting patterns went live tonight. This little number was inspired by the...

For the love of dog
Sometimes life throws hard decisions your way. Recently our pup Winston tore both of his back CCLs (cranial cruciate ligaments, similar...

This Year I Gave Blood
We don't get trick or treaters out here in the country, so Halloween is not much of an event beyond putting pumpkins on our porch. And,...

After the crazy cabin experience, we outran a tornado back to Charlotte and dropped off the dog. Then we got right back on the Airbnb...

Fun is where you make it
Every year my sister and I take a sister trip. It's a tradition we started several years ago after my first husband died. At first it...

flexing my knitting muscles
Here is the first new pattern off my needles in years - Ametista (amethyst in Portuguese). It's been a while since I exercised my...
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