Big Sister, Little Sister

I am lucky enough to have a little sister. When we were kids my little sister often came into my room wanting to hang out with me, but, since I was the big sister, sometimes I viewed her as a pest (and sometimes she was) and sometimes I was less than nice to her. Luckily we have outgrown all that stupid kid stuff and now my little sister and I are the best of friends. Even though she lives all the way across the country on the opposite coast from me, I talk to her all the time, ask her advice, and try to visit as often as I can.
Several years ago we began a tradition of the "sister trip". The only rules of the sister trip are that it's for us sisters to get together and bond without other family agenda. i.e. visiting during the holidays is NOT a sister trip. Attending a graduation is NOT a sister trip. Getting in a car and driving across the country, just us two, singing songs and wearing cheese hats is a sister trip! I really cherish these times when we get to bond, and reminisce and just be goofy together.

This year our sister trip involved renting a cabin in North Carolina, where she lives, and spending several days just lazing around, doing crafty stuff, taking hikes and cooking good food. We planned it to coincide with SAFF, and we invited two other ladies to join us and share our cabin at the end of the sister trip to attend SAFF. During that time I managed to hook a few people on spinning.... (my evil plan is working). I am pleased to say that my sister is now hopelessly entangled in my spinny plot... and she has been jonesing for a spinning wheel.
And that's where big sister makes up for some of that earlier childhood meanness, by finding her little sister a great little spinning wheel at a great little price. I have always loved my Schacht Matchless wheel, and so I find it fitting that I procured the little sister Shacht Sidekick wheel for her. This baby is getting packed up tomorrow and sent on its way to North Carolina to have a happy home life with my sister Rebecca. Because, that's what sisters are for...