Watching food grow never ceases to make me feel wonder. I am lucky to live in a very fertile region where a lot of different crops grow. In fact, this area, the Willamette valley, is so abundant, it was like a promised land to those pioneers who came out on the Oregon Trail. Even now, I look around the our lush green landscape and see it the way the pioneers must have, brimming with possibility.
One of the things that grows well here are berries. We grow strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, all of the hybrid berries like marionberries and olallaberries, and blueberries! In fact berries are so abundant here people treat them like weeds (especially blackberries) and you can walk along any country road at the right time of year and pick berries. One of the big jokes is how folks who aren't native to Oregon often make the mistake of planting blackberries on purpose in their yards and then they curse them ever after.
But, they also offer sweet, sweet fruits. We have lots of berries here on our little "farm" and right now, the blueberries are setting fruit. I love using my camera to peer into the secret world of these little bundles of health and deliciousness. These are my baby blueberries, just waiting to grow fat and ripen.